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作者:admin  来源:本站原创  添加日期:2018-01-12

1) Yiwang Chen*, Interfacial Engineering of Nano Devices for Energy Conversion, 15th Bayreuth Polymer Symposium (BPS '17), September 17-19, Bayreuth, Germany, 2017. (Invited talk)

2)     Yiwang Chen*, Interfacial Engineering of Nano Devices for Energy Conversion, 7th International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology (ChinaNANO 2017), August 29 to 31, Beijing, China, 2017. (Invited talk)

3) 陈义旺*,能量转化纳米器件中界面工程,2017年全国高分子学术论文报告会1010-14日,成都,中国,2017. (Invited Lecture). 主题I 能源高分子

4) 陈义旺*,能量转化纳米器件中界面工程,中国材料大会201776-12日,银川,中国,2017. (Invited Lecture). D-10分会场

5) 陈义旺*能量转化纳米器件中界面工程先进高分子材料科学研讨会,52-4青岛中国2017. (Invited Lecture)

6) 陈义旺*能量转化纳米器件中界面工程第三届全国纳米科技前沿论坛,47-10厦门中国2017. (Invited Lecture)

7) Yiwang Chen*, Interfacial Engineering for Organic Photovoltaics, 13th IUPAC International Conference on Novel materials and their Synthesis (NMS-XI), 15-20 October, Nanjing, China, 2017. (Keynotes)

8)    Yiwang Chen*, Interfacial Stability of Organic/Hybrid Solar Cells by Active Molecules, The 6th International Symposium on Liquid Crystal Photonics (SLCP 2017), 5-7 May, Tianjin, China, 2017. (Invited talk)

9)   Yiwang Chen*, Interfacial Engineering for Organic Photovoltaics, 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2017), 18-23 June, Singapore, 2017. (Symposium R, Invited Speaker)

10) 陈义旺*,有机太阳能电池界面工程第十五届全国应用化学年会421-23天津中国2017. (Invited Lecture)

11) 陈义旺*能量转化纳米器件中界面工程,第三届高分子成型加工及其产业发展研讨会,512-14日,南昌,中国,2017. (Invited Lecture)

12) 陈义旺*高分子液晶在能源器件中应用,2017年液晶高分子前沿研讨会,108日,北京,中国,2017. (Invited Lecture)

13) 陈义旺*能量转化纳米器件界面工程,全国第三届分子材料与器件学术研讨会,1020-22日,上海,中国,2017. (Invited Lecture)

14) Yiwang Chen*, Interfacial Dipole Effect for Organic Photovoltaics, Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC-9), 11-14 December, Singapore, 2016. (Symposium 10, Invited Speaker) OR-10-377

15) Yiwang Chen*, Interfacial Engineering for Organic Photovoltaics, 2nd International Conference on Organic Optoelecronics (ICOOE 2016), 11-13 November, Ningbo, China, 2016. (Keynote speaker)

16)   Yiwang Chen*, Interfacial Orientation by Liquid-Crystals in Polymer Solar Cells, The 5th International Symposium on Liquid Crystal Photonics (SLCP 2016), 22-24 April, Beijing, China, 2016. (Invited Talk, Advisory Committee)

17) Lin Zhang, Weihua Zhou, Yiwang Chen*, Crystallization Behavior Modulated by the Third Component in Organic Solar Cells, The 12th International Symposium on Polymer Physics (PP’2016), 10-14 June, Guiyang, China, 2016. (Invited Lecture)

18) 陈义旺*,章勇,界面诱导下的有机太阳能电池和钙钛矿太阳能电池,中国化学会第三十届学术年会,71-4日,大连,中国,2016. (Invited Lecture)

19) 陈义旺*,碳基透明电极湿法加工及其器件,2016年全国高分子材料科学与工程研讨会,111-5桂林中国2016. (Invited Lecture)

20) Hu Xiaotian, Tan Licheng, Chen Yiwang*, In Situ Polymerization of Ethylenedioxythiophene from Sulfonated Nano-carbon Materials: toward Large-Scale Flexible Electrodes, 2016 International Seminar on Advanced Materials Research (2016 ISAMR), 14-16 October, Kunming, China, 2016. (Invited Lecture)

21) Yiwang Chen*, Interfacial Engineering for Organic Photovoltaics, 12th IUPAC International Conference on Novel materials and their Synthesis (NMS-XI), 14-19 October, Changsha, China, 2016. (Keynotes)

22) 陈义旺*,碳基透明电极湿法加工及其器件,第21期复合材料专题学术沙龙,422-24日,重庆,中国,2016. (Invited Lecture)

23) Yiwang Chen*, ITO-free and High Performance Polymer Solar Cells Realized by Ionic Liquids Treated PEDOT:PSS, 11th IUPAC International Conference on Novel materials and their Synthesis (NMS-XI), 11-16 October, Qinhuangdao, China, 2015. (Keynotes)

24) 陈义旺*ITO-free透明电极及其有机太阳能电池,2015年全国高分子学术论文报告会1017-21日,苏州,中国,2015. (Oral Presentation)

25) 陈义旺*,杂化纳米晶的可控合成及其聚合物太阳能电池的应用,中国化学会第九届全国无机化学学术会议,725-29日,南昌,中国,2015. (Keynotes)

26) Yiwang Chen*, Transparent Conductive Electrode for Optoelectronic Devices, 2015 Energy Materials and Nanotechnology (EMN), December 3-6, Guangzhou, China, 2015. (Invited Lecture)

27) Yong Zhang, Lie Chen, Licheng Tan, Yiwang Chen*, Tunable conductivity and work function of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) for polymer solar cells, 13th International Conference of Polymers for Advanced Technologies (PAT2015), June 25-28, Hangzhou, China, 2015. (Invited Lecture)

28) 陈义旺*,功能化碳材料复合导电薄膜的聚合物太阳能电池,中国材料大会2015710-14日,贵阳,中国,2015. (Invited Lecture)

29) 陈义旺*可卷对卷印刷ITO-free透明电极及其聚合物太阳能电池,第二届高分子成型加工及其产业发展研讨会,516-18日,成都,中国,2015. (Invited Lecture)

30) Yiwang Chen*, Tunable Conductivity of PEDOT for Polymer Solar Cells, 6th MRS Trilateral Symposium on Advances in Nanomaterials: Energy, Water & Healthcare 2015, November 23-26, Chandigarh, India, 2015. (Invited Lecture)

31) Licheng Tan, Ting Ji, Yiwang Chen*, Carbon Transparent Electrode and Flexible Polymer Solar Cells, 2015 IUPAC 48th General Assembly and 45th World Chemistry Congress, August 6-14, Busan, Korea, 2015. (A20150310-0966)

32) 陈义旺*卷对卷印刷溶液加工的柔性透明电极及其光电器件,有机高分子材料学科中青年学者学科发展战略研讨会,16-8日,成都,中国,2015. (Invited Lecture)

33) Kai Yuan, Ting Hu, Lie Chen, Yiwang Chen*, Tunable Energy Level of Nano Semiconductors for Polymer Solar Cells, First International Conference on Polymer Science and Engineering (PSE-2014), November 10-13, Beijing, China, 2014. (Invited Lecture)

34) Yong Zhang, Xiaotian Hu, Liqiang Huang, Shuqin Xiao, Lie Chen, and Yiwang Chen*, Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxylenethiophene):Polystyrene Sulfonic Acid with Controllable Work Function for Polymer Solar Cells, 1st International Conference on Organic Optoelcetronics (ICOOE 2014), September 26th - 28th, Ningbo, China, 2014. (Invited Lecture)

35) 胡笑添,谌烈,谈利承,陈义旺*聚合物太阳能电池界面层设计,中国化学会第29届学术年会,84-7日,北京,中国2014. (Invited Lecture)

36) 陈义旺*,基于限制几何构型环烯烃配位催化聚合催化剂的合成及性能中国化学会第29届学术年会,8月4-7日,北京,中国,2014. (Invited Lecture)

37) 陈义旺*多元量子点及一维核-多壳量子点阵列及其有机太阳能电池,首届国际微纳米体系发光与光电性质学术会议,723-25日,长春,中国,2014. (Invited Lecture)

38) 陈义旺*,童永芬,谌烈,周魏华,液晶取向诱导界面调控及其应用,2014 年两岸三地高分子液晶态与超分子有序结构学术研讨会暨暨第十三届全国高分子液晶态与超分子有序结构学术论文报告会812-16长春中国2014. (Invited Lecture)

39) 陈义旺*,基于ZnO界面修饰的柔性聚合物太阳能电池,2014年全国高分子材料科学与工程研讨会,1012-16成都中国2014. (Invited Lecture)

40) 陈义旺*,谢谌,谌烈,聚合物太阳能电池界面调控,2013年全国高分子学术论文报告会1012-16日,上海,中国,2013. (O_G_10117)

41) 陈义旺*环烯烃配位催化聚合与功能化研究第十三届全国应用化学年会823-26长春中国2013. (Invited Lecture)

42) Yiwang Chen*, Solution Fabrication of Flexible Polymer Solar Cells, The 4th Chinese Printed Electronics Symposium (PEChina2013), September 25th - 26th, Suzhou, China, 2013. (Invited Lecture)

43) Licheng Tan, Rong Zeng, Yiwang Chen*, Approaches to Enhance Mechanical Properties and Proton Conductivity of Nanocomposites by In-situ Bonding, The Sixth Asia-Europe Symposium on Processing and Properties of Reinforced Polymers, June 2-6, Wuhan, China, 2013. (Invited Lecture) O-030-IT

44)陈义旺*,高分子纳米复合界面调控及结晶形为与应用,2013年第一届高分子成型加工及其产业发展研讨会510-12日,成都,中国2013. (Invited Lecture)

45) 陈义旺*,静电纺丝纳米纤维与药物控制释放,2012年第一届全国静电纺丝技术与纳米纤维学术会议,127-9日,长春,中国,2012. (Invited Lecture)

46) 吴飞燕,査代军,蔡淑娇,谌烈,陈义旺*新型共轭聚合物分子设计与异质结调控及其光伏电池,2012年全国高分子材料科学与工程研讨会1016-20武汉中国2012. (Invited Lecture)

47) Kai Yuan, Fan Li, Lie Chen, Yiwang Chen*, Mesogen induced self-assembly for hybrid bulk heterojunction solar cells morphology controlling and performance improvement, Global Organic Photovoltaic, 9 September -12 September, Suzhou, China, 2012. (Oral Presentation)

48) 陈义旺*,袁凯,李璠,谌烈,液晶驱动ZnO纳米晶调控杂化太阳能电池形貌,2012 年两岸三地高分子液晶态与超分子有序结构学术研讨会暨第十二届全国高分子液晶态与超分子有序结构学术论文报告会826-29湘潭中国2012. (Invited Lecture)

49) 姚凯,谌烈,李璠,陈义旺*,通过液晶和氢键自组装形成有序纳米形貌用于提高器件光伏性能,中国化学会第28届学术年会,413-16日,成都,中国,2012. (Oral Presentation) (07-O-007)

50) Kai Yuan, Wei Chen, Kai Yao, Lie Chen, Fan Li, Yiwang Chen*, Self-assembly of Heterojunction by Mesogens for Organic Photovoltaics, IUPAC 7th International Conference on Novel Materials and Synthesis (NMS-VII) & 21st International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers (FCFP-XXI), 16~21 October, Shanghai, China, 2011. (Invited Lecture) (IL 63)


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